We provide technical consultation services to the minerals beneficiation industries in respect to comminution processes.
We Have More Than 40+ Years Practical Experience
Austechnologies Oz Pty Ltd has teamed up with CMD Consulting Pty Ltd & DMCC to provide consultancy services to Australian & International clients.
We have expertise in comminution processes, mineral processing and particularly AG/SAG, Ball/Rod Mills, Fine grinding stirred media mills (VTM, FTM, CSM, KTM, Isa Mill, HIGMill ) and HPGR-based comminution circuit design. The subject matter experts (SME’s) qualified to undertake this work and their associated resumes can be provided on request.
The SMEs are as follows:
- Rajiv Kalra
- Mike Daniel
Services offered:
- Desk top review of Comminution /Grinding circuit of competitors (modelling & simulation)
- Complete Technology selection of comminution flowsheet circuit design for new plant with Capex/Opex (modelling & simulation)
- Individual Equipment sizing
- Sizing & Selection Fine Grinding stirred mills options Isa, HIGG, VTM, FTM, CSM & Tower mills technology trade-off’s
- Optimisation study of existing comminution circuit (modelling & simulation)
- Client representative and technical & commercial evaluation of all comminutions long lead equipment during pre- feasibility & feasibility stage.
- Selection of all types of Grinding Mills with drives and accessories
- JKSimMet Modelling and Morrell Power Modelling with CMD and DMCC.
- Carrying out pre-feasibility & feasibility studies which include but is not limited to:
- Reading all the relevant data provided by Mining Company, including past engineering and economic studies.
- Reviewing comminution characterisation data provided by Mining Company for the ore resources. Namely SMCC Test work data parameters DWi, A , b , Mia, Mic , Mih , SG , CWi, UCS , BRWi & BBWi plus Levin test , ISA & HIGG mill test ( for fine grinding)
- Estimating major comminution equipment sizes and numbers for the circuit options discussed with clients
- Identifying and qualify key considerations.
- Completing Capex/Opex trade-off for the agreed circuit option.
- Analysing of comminution data
- Preparing of “order of magnitude” operating cost estimates for comminution equipment for the agreed flow sheet and throughput based on fixed and variable costs
- Presentation of findings to Client in a draft report
- Completion of the final report after mark-up’s
Costing & Operational Methodology
The following methodology is used to generate the mechanical discipline deliverables:
- Developing major comminution equipment lists for milling circuit options
- Obtaining budget & firm pricing on behalf of clients for comminution equipment like Crushers, Grinding Mills, HPGR, Stirred media grinding mills from Metso Outotec, , FLS , CITIC , Sandvik , Weir , Glencore- Isa mills etc
- Providing input into milling options & drives with budget/firm pricing estimates e.g. capital and operations costs.
Client’s Representative during purchase of Long lead Comminution equipment
- Provide details & identify long lead comminution equipment critical to the project.
- Client to run procurement process for these long lead packages based on technical specifications prepared by the EPCM contractor for client.
- Become the client representative to undertake technical evaluation of these tenders alongside EPCM & Client.
- Undertake complete full evaluation and provide preferred vendor pricing to Client before being passed on to the EPCM Contractor
- Remain client’s representative and provide advice to client during the construction & delivery of all major long lead comminution equipment
CMD Consulting Pty. Ltd (including DMCC) & Austechnologies OZ Pty Ltd and its employees make reasonable efforts to ensure an accurate understanding of client requirements. The information in this report/proposal is based on that understanding and we strive to be accurate in its advice.
While reasonable care is taken in the preparation of these report/proposal, these report/proposals and all information, assumptions, and recommendations herein are published, given, made or expressed without any responsibility whatsoever on the part of CMD or Austechnologies OZ Pty Ltd, whether arising by way of negligence, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty or otherwise.
No warranty or representation of accuracy or reliability in respect of the report/proposal is given by CMD & Austechnologies OZ or its directors, employees, servants, agents, consultants, successors in title or assigns. This disclaimer shall apply to liability to any person whatsoever, irrespective of how such liability arises, whether by use of this report/proposal by that person or you or any other person or otherwise. You shall indemnify CMD, Austechnologies OZ and its directors, employees, servants, agents, consultants, successors in title or assigns against any claim made against any or all of them by third parties arising out of the disclosure of this report/proposal, whether directly or indirectly, to a third party.